Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day 1

To my faithful blog readers,

I don't know how many of you there are, regardless, I appreciate the attention that you are giving to reading about my life. For those of you who missed my previous blog, the title of this blog does not imply my attempt for a coup over the government of Senegal. It is merely the logging of my experiences as I move to that country (Reference: For those of you who have kept up on the first volume of my blogging career, welcome to the next chapter of my life. No doubt this next one will for sure be a very exciting one, filled with action and drama and comedy and heart-warming and heart-wrenching moments.

Because guess what...


I am officially taking my place in the Brown family legacy (and Rasmussen family for that matter...) and moving out of the country on my own. Wow. I am living up to the Brown name.

Yet, as I sit here on a hotel bed, precisely 12 hours from departure, it still hasn't quite hit me that I am moving out of the country for three and a half months. I'm sure that in about 24 hours I will be warming up to the idea...

I'm glad that you want to embark on this journey with me (thank goodness for the internet!), so buckle up because it's going to be a ride!

Love always,